Many people are under the misconception that only a “certain type of person” can get an STD. There is a stigma attached to STDs that make people think you have to be promiscuous or unhygienic in order to catch one. Simply put, anyone can contract an STD.
First, you should know that it is possible to get an STD the first time you have sex. Many people consider themselves virgins because they have not engaged in vaginal sex, however, this is not the only sexual activity that can expose a person to STDs. Many STDs can be transmitted through oral and anal sex.
It is possible that your partner may not be showing any signs or symptoms of an STD but that does not mean that they do not have an STD. Many people can be asymptomatic, meaning that they show no symptoms, but still be carrying an infection. That means that they can still transmit the infection to another person.
Next, you may be thinking only adults can get an STD. The truth is that young people are statistically more likely to contract STDs. Younger people, especially young women, are at a higher risk for STDs. If you are engaging in sexual activity, it is important to use protection. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend the use of latex condoms in order to prevent the spread of STDs and HIV. The proper practice of safe sex is invaluable to your sexual health.
It is true that certain behaviors can put you at higher risk for an STD or HIV but all sexually active people are vulnerable to infection. It is a great idea to communicate with anyone you have sexual intercourse with in order to better protect yourself. Having an STD and letting it remain untreated can have long term health effects as well. The best way to know whether or not you have an STD is to have STD testing performed. All people, young and old, who are sexually active should be aware of their current sexual health status.