Can You Get an STD From Saliva or Spit?

Find out how saliva is involved in the transmission of some sexually transmitted diseases and what you need to know to be safe. Quick Facts Herpes and syphilis can be transmitted through saliva during kissing or oral sex. Saliva is not the primary mode of transmission for chlamydia, gonorrhea or HIV. Safe oral sex practices,…

What is Super Gonorrhea and How its Changing the Landscape of STIs

In an age of dating apps and casual hookups, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a major public health issue. Among these infections, gonorrhea has been around for ages and is well known for its prevalence and impact. In 2023 alone, the CDC reported over 600,000 cases of gonorrhea in the US, and WHO reported 82.4+…

Can you get Herpes from a Handjob? What you need to Know

Yes you can. If an infected partner touches your genitals or infected fluids, you’re at risk. Here’s the lowdown and some tips to stay safe. Quick Facts Herpes can be transmitted through handjobs. So be aware of skin-to-skin and bodily fluids during any sex. Good hygiene, barriers like gloves or condoms and being aware of…

Recognizing STD Symptoms: What You Need to Know

STDs are more common than you think and while many people carry them without symptoms, others have a range of warning signs that shouldn’t be ignored. Knowing the symptoms of common STDs is key to early detection, treatment and preventing transmission to others. The following is a guide to help you recognize potential symptoms and…

Can You Get an STD Without Having Sex?

Yes, you can get an STD without having sex. Many people wonder, “Can you get an STD without having sex?” STDs can spread through non-sexual contact, sharing personal items or exposure to infected bodily fluids. Knowing these routes is key to prevention. Here’s what you need to know. Quick Facts STDs can spread through non-sexual…

What is Chlamydia?

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) worldwide, affecting millions of people each year. Despite its prevalence, many people remain unaware of what chlamydia is, how it is transmitted, and the potential risks it poses to health. This post will provide a comprehensive overview of chlamydia, helping you understand what it…

Skin Vaccinations Can Protect Against STDs

Medical professionals always recommend taking steps to reduce your risk of getting an STD. For instance, using protection every time you take part in sexual activity, including oral sex, can reduce the risk. Another step you may be able to take toward prevention is to get a vaccine. We currently have vaccines for specific STDs…

Can I Get an STD from Kissing?

First off, good for you for taking charge of your sexual health…it’s always best to ask for information, rather than make assumptions the might result in potentially serious health risks. But don’t fear a good-night kiss. Rest assured, catching a sexually transmitted infection through kissing is extremely unlikely…with a few exceptions. Avoid kissing anyone with…

What is Female Ejaculation? Not an STD Symptom!

Some women and their sexual partners have experienced a release of fluid at or near the point of orgasm that they say intensifies their sexual experience. Many women embrace it as a positive and pleasurable part of their sexual response – especially if their partners do too. Others wonder if they are going to pee…

There Are Different Types of HIV Tests

The CDC recommends that every person between the ages of 13 and 64, who is sexually active, should be tested at least once in their lifetime for HIV. There are many different places you can get tested for HIV such as a doctor’s office, a private laboratory, a mobile testing unit or a home test….