HIV Transmission in Serodiscordant Couples

Today’s post focuses on preventing HIV transmission in discordant couples, or “serodiscordant couples,” in which one member of the couple is HIV-positive and the other is not. The first and perhaps simplest way to reduce rates of transmission in discordant couples is the use of barrier methods, such as condoms. However, condoms can–and sometimes do–break….

My Partner Has Herpes

Wow. You just met Mr. Wonderful and he informs me that you has genital herpes.  What should you do? This is quite a common question in sexual health clinics.  Let’s start with checking your herpes status.  Remember, 45 million Americans have genital herpes and its estimated that only 10 – 20% of those folks know…

Does HIV Always Become AIDS?

Many people assume that HIV and AIDS are interchangeable terms. While it is true that HIV can eventually lead into AIDS, it is not always true that if you contract HIV you will also develop AIDS. HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is an infection that attacks the body’s immune system. If left untreated, HIV can…

3 Athletes Who Were Diagnosed with HIV

Greg Louganis, diving Greg Louganis was a world-class, award winning diver. In his career he won five world championships, four Olympic gold medals, and one Olympic silver medal. He competed in three different Summer Olympic Games including 1976, 1984, and 1988. It was that very same year that Louganis was diagnosed as HIV positive. In…

Can You Spread HIV by Breastfeeding?

The CDC lists numerous benefits to an infant’s health related to breastfeeding including stronger immune systems, a lower risk of some childhood cancers and a better development of an infant’s digestive system. The same way nutrients and vitamins are passed to a child through breastfeeding, some infections can be passed as well. If you are…

Oral Herpes Is More Common Than You Think

Oral herpes, sometimes referred to as mouth herpes, is a very common infection. According to the ASHA, more than 50% of the adult population of the United States already has oral herpes. Oral herpes is typically caused by a virus known as herpes simplex virus 1, or HSV-1. The CDC believes that most people become…

Herpes Facts: What You Need To Know

Many people have tons of questions about herpes. It is a common STD but still there are many misconceptions about the infection. Let’s take a look at 5 quick facts about herpes. Herpes Is Caused By Two Viruses HSV, or herpes simplex virus, is the STD that can cause genital herpes. There are two strains…

Older People Get STDs Too

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, seniors in America are enjoying are enjoying more active sex lives. Some attribute the rise in sexual activity among the elderly to advances in prescription drugs or basic medical treatments. Whatever the cause, Americans today are living longer and healthier lives. As sexual activity becomes more…