Dallas STD Rates Skyrocketing

If you’re in the dating pool in the Dallas, TX area, it might be helpful for you to know the local rates of STDs. Of course, it’s always a good idea to be careful about the spread of STDs, yet knowing specific info about the area can help you better understand your risk. Dallas County…

NYT: HIV Reported Cured in Second Patient

Science made history in 2007 when researchers were able to cure an infection of the HIV virus, which can lead to AIDS. They’ve tried to do it again since then but have failed until now. The New York Times reported on March 4, 2019 that scientists have finally seemed to have succeeded in duplicating their initial success,…

HIV Transmission in Serodiscordant Couples

Today’s post focuses on preventing HIV transmission in discordant couples, or “serodiscordant couples,” in which one member of the couple is HIV-positive and the other is not. The first and perhaps simplest way to reduce rates of transmission in discordant couples is the use of barrier methods, such as condoms. However, condoms can–and sometimes do–break….

My Partner Has Herpes

Wow. You just met Mr. Wonderful and he informs me that you has genital herpes.  What should you do? This is quite a common question in sexual health clinics.  Let’s start with checking your herpes status.  Remember, 45 million Americans have genital herpes and its estimated that only 10 – 20% of those folks know…

Can I Get an STD from Kissing?

First off, good for you for taking charge of your sexual health…it’s always best to ask for information, rather than make assumptions the might result in potentially serious health risks. But don’t fear a good-night kiss. Rest assured, catching a sexually transmitted infection through kissing is extremely unlikely…with a few exceptions. Avoid kissing anyone with…

Does HIV Always Become AIDS?

Many people assume that HIV and AIDS are interchangeable terms. While it is true that HIV can eventually lead into AIDS, it is not always true that if you contract HIV you will also develop AIDS. HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is an infection that attacks the body’s immune system. If left untreated, HIV can…

Condoms are Killing my Erection

First, it’s very common for condoms to cause erection loss. A 2006 survey in Sexual Health found that — over a three-month period – about 37% of men lost at least one erection when putting on a condom, or during sex with a condom. There are probably a few reasons for this…it may be the…

What is Female Ejaculation? Not an STD Symptom!

Some women and their sexual partners have experienced a release of fluid at or near the point of orgasm that they say intensifies their sexual experience. Many women embrace it as a positive and pleasurable part of their sexual response – especially if their partners do too. Others wonder if they are going to pee…

There Are Different Types of HIV Tests

The CDC recommends that every person between the ages of 13 and 64, who is sexually active, should be tested at least once in their lifetime for HIV. There are many different places you can get tested for HIV such as a doctor’s office, a private laboratory, a mobile testing unit or a home test….

How Much Time Should I Wait Before Getting Tested?

Are you concerned you may have been exposed to an STD? It’s important to remember though that some STDs will not show up on tests right away. When someone is exposed to an infection there is generally a period of time before the infection will appear on any test which means testing at the right…